A Day in Armenia

15 thoughts on “A Day in Armenia”

  1. Fabulous journey, and thanks for sharing it. But you people, you are really so fragile nowadays. Which is understandable sure, because of so much cringing. Why not allow yourself a little bit of freedom? Or even laugh? I’m a Jew myself, and I certainly wouldn’t give a fuck about some random chump’s worries or complexes related to my nation. Or about those absolutely notPC little stories, which sometimes happen to be rather funny, by the way.

    Don’t be afraid. And don’t be so closed. There’s always a rather solid boundary between having a laugh and being a racist.

  2. Fascinating blog post — I found it very interesting, and actually a little humorous, too. Loved the gas tanks strapped on the top of the buses, the rows and rows of soap stores, and the noses joke! What an adventure!

  3. Sounds like quite a visit. I assume everyone was wearing clean clothes in Armenia lol. Looks like a place for a day trip. Keeping this in mind hoping to visit Georgia next year.

  4. Wow, what an incredible story to share. I found the numerous soap stores funny. Its amazing how across the world there is so much history and culture. People really need to step out of the comfort zone to go and explore the world!

  5. I enjoyed reading the article, one of my dreams is to explore all around the world, Armenia is really beautiful, hope to visit this country soon.

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