I don’t know why I’m drawn to frigid destinations.
Maybe it comes from living in southeast Texas, where summers are hot, and winters are…less hot. Snowfall or ice storms in Houston are an approximately once every ten years kind of event, and even when it does fall, it’s negligible, and gone within a few hours. Snow has never been a normal part of life for me. Even the four years we resided in Delaware during my college years were practically free of wintry precipitation.
Perhaps it stems from childhood trips to Canada, where I watched, spellbound, as fat snowflakes fell from the sky, a wholly unfamiliar sight to my young eyes.
Whatever the reason might be, it seems that year after year, while others are escaping their snowbound cities in the dead of winter by heading south, and our friends and family are flocking to white, sandy beaches for summer vacation, I am always drawn north, far north.
“Iceland? Isn’t it cold there?” people would ask us when I told them where we were spending summer vacation. “You’re god-damned right, it’s cold there!”
Cold is beautiful. Cold brings out the inner child in me.
It’s not to say that I exclusively visit the northern latitudes, I love a good warm and sunny vacation as much as the next person. My heart, however, will always belong to the bitter winds that blow in the north.

Beautiful photos! I love icy landscapes too.
Thanks Adrienne!
Not a fan of the extreme cold myself, but your photos are awesome and makes me want to visit!
Thank you! There really aren’t too many people fond of cold weather – I probably would not like it full time, but love it for short visits! (I love your website, btw!)
I know exactly how you feel! I’ve lived in sunny San Diego my whole life and I am in love with visiting icy destinations. I think part of it is it is so different and I know I can go home to warm.